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Turning A Financial Handicap Into A Financial Advantage

March 8, 2018

In the world of business, big corporate companies always have the decided advantage. They have the resources and unimpeded access to capital. They can engage in various business undertakings to create new revenue streams to generate more profits. In that aspect, small businesses have a financial handicap. They lack the financial muscle to grow because of inadequate means. However, there is the best way get funding for a small business.

Is there a ‘real’ need to obtain a small business loan?

Merchants and small business owners should identify first if there’s a real need to obtain funding. The reasons and motives need to be clear. It’s a major decision that involves careful assessment. Remember the money that will be borrowed should be put to good use. Otherwise, there’s no sense borrowing and simply carry an inoperable debt.

  1. Gearing for business expansion

Smart business operators usually possess an intuition. They know exactly when to take their trade to the next level. The success of any small business depends on how fast it can achieve the elusive economies of scale. Even the scheduling to borrow funds is timed perfectly. It’s a valid reason to bring in the needed working capital when the business is geared up for expansion

  1. Procuring inventory

One big hurdle for merchant owners is managing expenses, including spending in advance for inventory. It’s a chicken and egg situation. That’s an ongoing concern as inventories need to be restocked. You have to procure the inventory first before it translates to profits.

In this situation, obtaining cash by way of a merchant cash advance is justifiable. A well-timed procurement of inventories can be implemented in order to minimize disruption to cash flows.

  1. Upgrading payment systems

These days, most customers pay for goods and services using the plastic. Credit card transactions dominate the marketplace. Therefore, a credit card payment system would be beneficial to merchants. It’s essential for small businesses to keep customer traffic flowing. Payment convenience is also a way to preserve store patronage.

  1. Debt reduction initiative

Acquiring a business loan to pay off or reduce debt commitments can be a business owner’s debt reduction strategy. If a lending firm is offering a package for small business at lower cost than your current loan, then it’s worth taking a look. Savings on interest expense by fast-tracking loan repayments can lighten your business’ financial cargo.

  1. Establish a network of financial partners

By taking on a business loan and establishing good credit standing can work wonders for future financial needs. A credit-worthy business will have easier access to funds. It can also pave the way to a lasting partnership with a network of funding partners.

A partner to fund your business needs

A financial intermediary dedicated to entrepreneurs can make that happen. PDM Capital is credited for helping countless small businesses turn their financial handicap into financial advantage. Their financial products and services are suited to meet all the needs mentioned above. Visit to learn more about the various financial schemes. PDM Capital can assist you succeed in the small pond and lead you to the bigger ocean.